
National Reparations Convention 2024 - Washington D.C.May 17, 2024
The National Reparations Convention, organized by the Afrodescendant Nation (ADN), is set to take place from May 17th to May 19th at the historic Lincoln Temple United Church in Washington, DC.
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National Plebiscite Teach-InJanuary 14, 2024
The Black Agenda, Election 2024 and the National Vote (Plebiscite Campaign)
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National Teach-In on Reparations and Self-DeterminationNovember 12, 2023
History was made on November 12th, 2023, when the Afrodescendant Nation gathered Reparations activists across the country and diaspora to voice their support for Reparations and Self-Determination.
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National Reparations Convention 2023 - A Uniting ForceOctober 7, 2023
The National Reparations Convention, hosted by the Afrodescendant Nation, brought together a cadre of influential Reparations leaders, all of whom are dedicated to obtaining long overdue reparations for Afrodescendants.
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